Title: Logan Hicks (b.1971 ) Sunset Apartment Complex, Screen Print, Early Limited Ed, Black Rat Press 2008 Description: Logan Hicks (b.1971 ) Sunset Apartment Complex, Screen Print, Early Limited Edition, Black Rat Press, 2008 Hicks first started stencilling his work on the streets then as many Urban Artists banned from the streets took his work mainstream with screen print. Comes with an acknowledgement email from Logan hicks as his first professional art piece with his very early signature. With his photorealistic style, Logan Hicks draws a parallel between the cold, harsh city and a warm, vibrant organism. A stand out impact piece in very good condition from a hugely collectible artist .... priced competitively entry price. Artist: Logan Hicks Title: Sunset Apartment Complex Release Date: 2007-05-08 Published: Black Rat Press Limited Edition Run: Numbered of 150 to l.r Signed: Logan Hicks in pencil to Margin l.l Medium: Hand pulled 7 colour screenprint on 300gsm ed somerset satin white paper Blind stamp: No Image size: 60cm x 60cm Sheet Size: 74cm x 76cm About the Art and the Artist Logan Hicks is an infamous New York-based stencil artist whose work explores the dynamics of the urban environment. Originally a screen printer, Logan’s work has gained notoriety due to his ability to capture the sometimes mundane cycle of city life in a haunting, yet refined way with his hand-sprayed stencils. Stencilling started as a substitution for screen-printing, but quickly morphed into Logan’s medium of choice. A perfect union was formed through stencils: the dirty and gritty nature of the spray paint showcasing the decay of the city while the muted shine of metallic paint mirrored the faint glimmer of hope and life within it. It is this symbiotic relationship with the city that fuels his work. With his photorealistic style, Logan draws a parallel between the cold, harsh city and a warm, vibrant organism. It is alive; a breathing creature where the ebb and flow of people washing over its sidewalks act as cells circulating through its veins. Buildings block passageways, walls block views, doors hide openings. The outside world is effectively shut out while the city creates its own reality. Confined spaces on subways, honeycomb living structures; it is a labyrinth of working systems limited only by its border, its ‘skin’. Logan uses his art to explore the microcosm in which he is a cell, just part of a whole. The nuances of city life that epitomize the urban existence are what he dwells upon. Postage and Packing – Due to geographical location Postage and insurance varies. Can combine items for best value postage. Please contact for details. Condition: Used Delivery option: Delivery Location: NG2 Category: Art