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Retail & Online Customer Returns | No Reserve & Combined Delivery Available
Venue address
William George
Ashton Under Lyne,
United Kingdom
Retail & Online Customer Returns | No Reserve & Combined Delivery Available

Auction dates
Starts: May 02, 2023 01:00 PM BST
Ends from: May 15, 2023 08:00 PM BST
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There are 386 lots within this auction
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Russell Hobbs Purity Kettle. RRP £60.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 9 Inch Desk Fan. RRP £19.00 - GRADE U
Swan 1.7L Bullet Kettle. RRP £41.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 30 Inch Tower Fan. RRP £32.99 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 9 Inch Desk Fan. RRP £19.00 - GRADE U
Russell Hobbs Groove Kettle. RRP £34.49 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Naples Kettle. RRP £18.00 - GRADE U
Russell Hobbs Jug Blender. RRP £44.99 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 2000W Fan Heater. RRP £30.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Coffee Grinder. RRP £15.00 - GRADE U
Hy-Pro Table Top Pool Table. RRP £35.00 - GRADE U
Kenwood Mini Chopper. RRP £25.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Turin Hand Blender. RRP £22.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 1500w PTC Heater. RRP £16.00 - GRADE U
Morphy Richards Soup Maker. RRP £73.99 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Siena Toaster. RRP £23.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Venice Kettle. RRP £21.99 - GRADE U
Russell Hobbs Classic Glass Kettle. RRP £36.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Milk Frother. RRP £20.00 - GRADE U
360 Spin Attack RC Car. RRP £29.99 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home 1500w PTC Heater. RRP £16.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Mini Chopper. RRP £14.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Naples Kettle. RRP £18.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Home Verona Kettle. RRP £35.00 - GRADE U
Morrisons Roma Glass Kettle. RRP £21.99 - GRADE U
Tefal Easy Fry Compact Air Fryer. RRP £70.00 - GRADE U
Innokin Adept E-Cigarette Kit. RRP £29.99 - GRADE U
Govee Dreamcolor LED Strip Light. RRP £39.99 - GRADE U
Aspire K Lite E-Cigarette Kit. RRP £23.99 - GRADE U
Flymo PowerVac 3000 Garden Blower. RRP £86.99 - GRADE U