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Auction End Date: 11th April 2024 from 11am
Payment Due Date: 15th April 2024 by 4pm
Delivery Information: Delivery available - please check each lot for delivery costs.
All items in this auction are raw customer returns sourced from a major UK retailer. This can include used items. The reasons for return could be any of the following: failed delivery, the wrong item delivered, damaged or broken item, items returned in the guarantee period, damaged or broken packaging, missing parts, incomplete set, the wrong item ordered. This can include faulty electrical items that require repair or refurbishing by a qualified professional. The images used are catalogue images and are for illustrative purposes only. We cannot verify the condition, colour, etc of individual items.
Sale Currency: GBP
Buyer's premium: 26%
VAT on Hammer: 20%
VAT on Buyers Premium: 20%
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