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Brand New Retail Surplus & Liquidated Stock | Including Perfume, Homewares, Toys, Cosmetics, Tools, & More | No VAT on Hammer
Venue address
William George
United Kingdom
Brand New Retail Surplus & Liquidated Stock | Including Perfume, Homewares, Toys, Cosmetics, Tools, & More | No VAT on Hammer

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 07, 2024 11:00 AM GMT
Ends from: Nov 19, 2024 11:00 AM GMT
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There are 500 lots within this auction
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30w Premium Floodlights, 230v L13a
10 x 30w Premium Floodlights, 230v L13a
50 x Horse Brush L30c
Toshiba ST A10 15
Pack of 10 x A3 Plain Whiteboards L31b
Lady Bird Wall Light L13a
Giasco Safety Ergo Safe Shoe RRP £91.72 Ea L7b
Stanley Long Nose Air Dusting Gun L1a
3 In 1 Leaf Blower
Body & Earth 4pcs Lotion Gift Set For Women L9a
2 Tier Luxury Shoe Rack L26
LED 360 Degree Make Up Mirror L11c
12 x Ultra Violet Torches £6.79 ea L2b
60 x You Can Do It Pads
5 x Golf Game RRP £19.99 ea
Motorcycle Cover L16b
10 x TheRubz Women's Bracelet RRP £34.99 ea L12b
Stanley Air Hose Spiral Hose – 15 Mtr L28
10 x Sil Interiors Succulent Dome L1
72 x Surfing Style Necklacess L5
Bruin Interactive Learning Table RRP £39.99 L30a
10 x Packs of 30 Mini Highlighter Pens L29a
Set of 2 Crystal Handmade G&T Glasses (700ml) L7b
Sunset Atmosphere Desk Lamp 4 Colours USB L13
10 x Packs of 12 Assorted Colour Broad Pens L9c
Konix Mythics Gamer Pack
Lot 476
PowerStorm Car Polisher Buffer Sander L8b
Premium Stainless Steel Nail Grooming Kit
20 x Wild Mountain Men's Beanie Ld