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Antiques, Jewellery & Collectables | Collective Auction
Venue address
William George
Multiple Sites
United Kingdom
Antiques, Jewellery & Collectables | Collective Auction

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 29, 2025 12:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 12, 2025 02:00 PM GMT
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There are 175 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Collection of Four Interesting Watches
A Fine Assortment of Vintage Jewellery Boxes
A Fine Assortment of Vintage Jewellery Boxes
Sterling Silver Pendant With 1ct Amethyst
Cocktail Bruit Jade 71/2 US Ring Stamped 925
Burberry Pistachio/ Gold Tone Brand New Bracelet
Hermes Criss Cross Bracelet Vintage Gold Plated
Vintage 14k Gold Piano Ring
Falstaff Sliver Plated Candle Holder
Baguette Diamond-Style Band Ring/925
Intricate Filigree Ring-Sterling Silver
Vintage Murano Venetian Handmade Yellow Glass Lady
Bally Bag Handbag Leather Black Authentic
JR & Sons Silver Plated Antique Tea Set 3 Pce Pot
925 Sterling Silver Bracelet Bangle Bundle 6 Items
9k Gold On Sterling Silver Ring. Italian Designer
9ct Rose Gold On Sterling Silver Ring Barry Lau
Lost World of The Romanovs
8 Royal Doulton Starter Plates
Rare Edwardian Spode Copeland Tea Set
Victorian Crystal Scent Flacon
Vintage Delph Porcelaine Bowl
Two Vintage Turkish Evil Eyes
Naughty Art Nouveau Bottle Opener, 1890 - 1910
Antique Spode Copeland Blue “Italian” Creamer
Meissen Porzella