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Huge Collection of Fine Art, Antique Furniture, Jewellery and Collectables
Venue address
William George
United Kingdom
Huge Collection of Fine Art, Antique Furniture, Jewellery and Collectables

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 20, 2025 02:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 06, 2025 03:00 PM GMT
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There are 900 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
Cased Morris Michaels Enamel Silver Spoons
Fine Solid Silver Cream Jug London 1759
Vintage Sterling Silver Flower Vase
Decorative Antique Silver Nurses Buckle
Pair of Cased Antique Silver Salts
Sterling Silver Engraved Lidded Dish
Maria Theresa 1780 Silver Thaler
Cut Glass Silver Mounted Decanter
Silver Topped Crystal Bottle London 1898
Cased Set of Silver Spoons & Tongs
Solid Silver Antique Inkwell
Solid Silver Bread Fork
Fine Cloisonné Enamel Silver Pill Box
Cased Set of 6 Dessert Knives Sheffield 1931
Solid Silver Pin Cushion Box Birmingham 1912
Edwardian Solid Silver Butter Knife
Cased Set of 6 Silver Knives
Vintage Silver Plated Crystal Inkwell
Pair of Antique Sheffield Plate Candlesticks
Antique Victorian Elkington Toast Rack
Vintage Silver Plated Candelabra
Heavy Silver Plated Footed Tea Pot
Vintage Engraved Silver Plated Tray