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Brand New Retail Surplus & Liquidated Stock | Including Perfume, Homewares, Toys, Cosmetics, Tools, & More | No VAT on Hammer
Venue address
William George
United Kingdom
Brand New Retail Surplus & Liquidated Stock | Including Perfume, Homewares, Toys, Cosmetics, Tools, & More | No VAT on Hammer

Auction dates
Starts: Jan 22, 2025 04:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Feb 05, 2025 11:00 AM GMT
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There are 500 lots within this auction
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We have chosen not to publish our results. Please contact us directly for any enquiries.
10 x Wireless Mouse L4a
Automatic Meals Pet Feeder L13c
50 x 16gb Cube USB Memory Stick L5a
15 x Keyboards
20 x Silicone Multipurpose Squeegees
20 x Wild Mountain Mens Beanie LD
Atmoko Cordless Hair Clipper
Groomen No-Nick Trimmer RRP £34.95
Groomen No-Nick Nose Trimmer
10 x Headphones, Earphones 3.5MM Audio Headset
60 x Kids Freestanding Photo Frames 5
Pack of 10 x A3 Plain Whiteboards L31b
Stanley Long Nose Air Dusting Gun L1a
48 x Texet SL-8 Calculators RRP £6.99 ea L 4b
Ambiano Coffee Machine (Box Tatty)
Luxury Extendable Patio Bench. RRP £225
100 x Relief Mini Instant Ice Pack L26c
60 x 20ml Unity Eye Rescue Eye Cream L10c
12 x Ice Mitt and Scraper RRP £9.99 Ea L8C
Stanley Air Hose Spiral Hose 15 Mtr L28
5 x Active Era Bathroom Scales RRP £23.99 L24b
Hair Straightener PTC Heating, Ionic Brush L11a