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New & Ex-rental Specialist Electrical Test Equipment | Servers, Fiber Optic Boxes, Probes, Batteries, Accessories & more | Delivery available
Venue address
William George
United Kingdom
New & Ex-rental Specialist Electrical Test Equipment | Servers, Fiber Optic Boxes, Probes, Batteries, Accessories & more | Delivery available

Auction dates
Starts: Nov 06, 2024 05:00 PM GMT
Ends from: Dec 13, 2024 01:00 PM GMT
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There are 203 lots within this auction
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Agilent Keysight Amphenol Rf 131-1119 Connector
Agilent E2678A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
Agilent N5381A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
Agilent N5381A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
Agilent N5381A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
5x Agilent E2678A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
5x Agilent E2678A InfiniiMax Solder In Probe Head
Keysight 11062-32101 - New Kelvin Clip
Keysight 11062-32101 - New Kelvin Clip
Agilent Test Leads Pack u3000-60006
JDSU Acterna Viavi 80-30662-01 Cable Assembly
2x Keysight N2894A Oscilloscope Probes Agilent
2x Keysight N2894A Oscilloscope Probes Agilent
Amphenol Adapter Agtlent 54855-67604
Agilent Spare Part a20-1-25370-1c New
Agilent Spare Part 34405-84101 New
Agilent Spare Part a20-1-25370-1c New
4x Spirent Copper Far End Unit T5645
Kaelus PIM Accessories In Transit Case
Kaelus PIM Accessories In Transit Case
Kaelus PIM Accessories In Transit Case
Kaelus PIM Accessories In Transit Case